Month: May 2019

The Lost Ways Review

Product Description:

There’s no denying the fact that we live in dangerous times. These days, there are more natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other crises that can disrupt your life on any given day – with NO warning.

It’s no wonder that more and more people are starting to become preppers and increasing their awareness and readiness to weather natural disasters/conflicts that can arise. It takes time to develop the skills and knowledge to become a proficient survivalist.

The best way to reduce your learning curve is to learn from the best. Claude Davis is one of the best. This is a man who has survived in environments so harsh, that he could probably survive any crisis.

He decided to pour out all his experience and knowledge into a 350-page guide called The Lost Ways. He has probably forgotten more about survival than most people will ever know. He’s that good.

The practical and hard-hitting information in The Lost Ways will equip you with all the necessary information to survive natural disasters and other calamities. Knowledge is power… and that definitely applies here.

Let’s look at why The Lost Ways has outsold and ‘out survived’ so many other prepper and survival guides.

The Good Points:

1) Details, details, details. That’s the biggest selling point of The Lost Ways. Coming in at 350 pages, there’s a wealth of information here that eclipses most other survival guides. The level of details and scope of information taught here makes The Lost Ways a guide that EVERY prepper should own.

Despite the attention to details and amount of information provided, the guide is an easy read. It’s interesting and has been written in a conversational tone. There is no technical jargon to scare you off.

Claude wanted everyone to understand the information within. Verbosity and complex terminology has been dispensed with for practicality. You WILL understand this book.

2) One of the best points of this book is that it has compiled tips from different highly experienced survivalists such as Shannon Azares, Mike Searson and Patrick Shelley. Three heads are better than one, and their input is invaluable because this is information that works in the real world and is NOT untested theory.

3) Food preservation is crucial to surviving during a crisis. Usually, electricity is the first thing to go during a natural disaster. That will make your refrigerator unworkable.

What do you do then? The Lost Ways will show you how to preserve your food so that you last through the crisis. You’ll also discover how to create a superfood from items that you could easily pick up from the closest supermarket.

4) Confidence comes from having the skills and knowledge to survive. The Lost Ways will give you that confidence, provided you read it and apply it. You’ll know how to procure food and water while everyone else is panicking. The best time to prepare for crisis is when there isn’t one. The Lost Ways will teach you all you need to know.

5) This guide has been an online bestseller for a couple of years now. With thousands of customers and having stood the test of time in a fickle market, this product is a survivor… and it’ll make you one. The official site is littered with testimonials from happy customers. This is social proof that the book delivers what it says it will.

6) Just when you thought it couldn’t get better, Claude is offering a 60-day money back guarantee. That pretty much makes this a risk-free purchase.

The Bad Points:

1) This book is a tome! It’s huge and will take a while to complete. But, don’t panic. Take it one step at a time. It can be overwhelming, and you do not want information overload.

So, it’s best to read 10 to 15 pages a day, understand what you’ve read and apply the information where possible. Over time, you’ll complete the book and have a thorough understanding of the concepts and skills laid out.

2) You’ll need a computer and an internet connection to get The Lost Ways. It’s only available online.

Should You Get It?

If you’re a serious about surviving, this is a book that you’ll not want to miss. It is filled with tips, tricks and tactics that will help most beginner preppers and there are several gems that even advanced survivalists will appreciate.

Surviving a crisis such as a natural disaster or a terrorist attack is much more than just having skills and knowledge. What you really need is the will to survive – and to do that, it all comes down to your mindset.

That’s one of the factors that makes The Lost Ways far better than most other books on this topic. It teaches you how to develop the mindset to survive against all odds. When everyone else is scrambling in panic or has given up hope, you’ll have the never-say-die attitude that will give you that edge in surviving.

Nothing is so bad that it can’t get worse. The Lost Ways will not only equip you with the knowledge and skills should things go sideways, but it’ll give you the mindset that ensures you survive beyond all odds. This is priceless. You NEED this guide.

>>> Get “The Lost Ways” Now <<<

Fat Burning Kitchen Review

Product Description:

The Fat Burning Kitchen is one of the bestselling diet and fitness books online. It has sold thousands of copies and there are tons of testimonials from satisfied customers. It’s a proven product that truly works.

One of the authors, Mike Geary, wrote a book called the Truth About Abs, and it was a bestseller too. His stuff just works because he walks the talk. There is no untested theory here.

He collaborated with another expert, Katherine Ebeling, to produce ‘Fat Burning Kitchen’, which is one of the most detailed and effective fat burning guides on the planet. This is a bold claim, but the product lives up to the hype.

Here is a list of chapters that you’ll find in their book:
Chapter 1 – Foods made with refined flour and corn products
Chapter 2 – Food and drinks containing high fructose corn syrup
Chapter 3 – Margarines, vegetable oils, trans fats, Crisco
Chapter 4 – Artificial Sweeteners – Splenda, NutraSweet, Saccharin
Chapter 5 – Commercial Pasteurized Dairy
Chapter 6 – Commercially raised meats; farm-raised fish
Chapter 7 – Soymilk, tofu, TVP
Chapter 8 – Sports/Energy Drinks
Chapter 9 – Energy Bars
Chapter 10 – Processed Foods, Weight-loss meals, Diet Snacks, and Diet Desserts
Chapter 11 – High quality – protein-grass fed beef or bison, wild caught fish, free-range chicken, whole (free-range) eggs
Chapter 12 – Raw dairy milk and cheese
Chapter 13 – Grass fed dairy butter, coconut oil, lard
Chapter 14 – Nuts-Almonds, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, Brazil nuts, cashews, macadamia nuts
Chapter 15 – Avocados
Chapter 16 – Organic berries
Chapter 17 – Organic dark green leafy vegetables
Chapter 18 – Healthy Sweeteners: Real Maple Syrup, Raw honey, Stevia
Chapter 19 – Healthy real Food Energy Bars
Chapter 20 – Dark Chocolate
Chapter 21 – Herb Teas
Chapter 22 – Items to Keep in Your Kitchen
Chapter 23 – The Transformation Has Begun

As you can see, the focus is on first getting you to give up the detrimental foods, and then show you how you can switch to healthier options. By giving you an inside look at how it all works, you’ll be much more successful when it comes to making changes and losing weight.

Let’s look at Fat Burning Kitchen and see if it’s right for you.

The Good Points:

1) If Mike Geary is involved, you can bet the product will be good. The man is a fitness expert and really knows his stuff. His partner, Katherine Ebeling is an expert too. They make a great team and the information in Fat Burning Kitchen is well-researched and on point.

2) Despite the wealth of information provided, the book is written in a way that is easy to read and understand. Too often, diet and fitness books contain complex terminology or concepts that leave laymen lost.

Fat Burning Kitchen keeps things simple and tells you what you need to know. Eat this, avoid this, do this and don’t do this. That’s about it in a nutshell. All you need to do is follow the instructions.

3) The nutrition tips will help you to reduce your cravings and appetite. This is something millions of people struggle with. They want to lose weight, but the body keeps getting hungry and they give in.

By following the eating plan in Fat Burning Kitchen, you’ll find that your appetite decreases and the struggle ends.

4) The program also comes with accompanying videos. These videos will help you understand how it all works and why it’s imperative to get your diet right if you wish to lose weight.

5) One good point about this guide is that it’s not totally focused on fat loss. The goal here is to be healthy and fat loss is just one of the benefits. When you follow the advice in Fat Burning Kitchen, your insulin sensitivity will improve and so will your blood pressure levels.

Inflammation will go down and energy levels will go up. You’ll look and feel much better when you give your body the foods it needs and discard the foods that hurt it. It’s all about working with your body.

6) The product comes with a 100 percent money back guarantee. No questions asked.

7) You’ll experience no side effects by following this program. It’s safe, sensible and very affordable. It doesn’t get better than this.

The Bad Points:

1) We must face the facts here. Changing your eating habits is not going to be a walk in the park. Our eating habits are so deeply ingrained in us that it will require effort and mindfulness to stop the poor food choices.

While the Fat Burning Kitchen gives you all the information you need and makes things simpler, ultimately, you’ll need to apply what you learn and go through the initial struggle. Once your eating habits change, it’ll be a breeze to stay on the eating plan.

2) This is an online download. You need an internet connection to access the book.

3) At slightly over 120 pages, this is a relatively long read and occasionally the information gets a little technical. Nevertheless, the writing is not so complex to leave you confused. People who dislike reading may not have the patience to complete the book.

Should You Get It?

A resounding yes! This book is so good that it’s probably the only diet book that you’ll ever need. Everything you need to know to shed the stubborn fat and dial in your diet is revealed here.

All weight loss begins in the kitchen. You can’t out exercise a bad diet. So, if you really want to lose weight quickly without spinning your wheels and going nowhere, Fat Burning Kitchen is the answer you’re looking for.

There’s really no need to hype this book further. Get it. Apply it. See the fantastic results. You’ll never look back.

>>> Get “Fat Burning Kitchen” Now <<<

Manifestation Miracle Review

The very title ‘Manifestation Miracle’ should give you a good idea about what this book is all about. If you said the ‘law of attraction’, you’d be absolutely right… but this book is about way more than that.

Written by Heather Matthews, this guide is about changing your life totally. Most law of attraction books are written in a way to make you think that it’s a shortcut. They want you to believe that you can get anything you want just by sitting on a couch and picturing your desires in your head.

This is where most people go wrong and never see their desires manifest into reality. Manifestation Miracle puts the action into the law of attraction and shows you what you need to do. Visualization is only half the equation.

This book is an online bestseller with thousands of copies sold and a long list of very happy customers. Let’s take a closer look and see if it’s right for you.

The Good Points:

1) Weighting in at 159 pages, this is a detailed book that’s comprehensive and yet, easy to read and understand. The book itself has a positive and uplifting tone that makes you believe that miracles are well-within your reach… and they are.

There’s no fluff in this guide. It’s straight to the point and gives you all the tools and tips you need.

2) Hate reading? No problem. You’re provided with an audio recording of the guide. You can listen to it while on the go, and still reap the rewards.

3) The honesty in this guide is unparalleled. While most books in this niche promise you wealth and riches beyond your wildest dreams with zero effort, Heather was truthful and avoided such hype.

She even mentioned that there is work involved. You’ll need to follow the exercises in the Manifestation Miracle, and you’ll also need to put in the effort where required. The law of attraction will NOT work for lazy people.

4) If you have questions, you can always email their support. Unlike most law of attraction books that you buy off the shelf and you’re left to fend on your own, you can get after-purchase guidance and help here. Fantastic.

5) The Manifestation Miracle will work for anyone. Your age, race, gender, etc. do not matter. The law of attraction is a universal law, and the methods in this guide will help anyone who uses them wisely.

6) This program is broken down into 5 parts, each of which deals with a specific component that must be done right to see results. That makes for much easier learning, and you’ll be much more likely to see results.

In the first part of Manifestation Miracle you’ll discover how the law of attraction works. In the second part, you’ll need to ask yourself what you really want. Being focused and knowing what you want is crucial. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re not going to get there.

The third part will show you how to inject emotion and desire when visualizing. It all boils down to how you feel. The law of attraction works only when your heart is in it.

In part 4, you’ll learn how to expect the miracles to show up ‘anytime now’… it’s about walking in faith. If you believe it, you’ll see it.

In the last part, you’ll learn how to make the law of attraction a habit. This will ensure that you live the life of your dreams… and get most of what you ask for.

The Bad Points:

1) Faith requires practice. We live in a cynical and skeptical world. We want instant results, but the law of attraction works on its own time. So, you’ll need patience and persistence to manifest your desires.

2) Visualizing alone is not enough. You’ll need to act as and when you get hunches. Fortune favors the bold and even the word ‘attraction’ has the word action in it. You MUST take the required actions.

3) You can only get this product online. Once you download it, you can print it out for easy reference. A slight hassle… but not a deal breaker.

Should You Get It?

If you wish to see miracles in your life, this book can help you manifest them. It doesn’t matter if you want better health, more wealth, or a happy relationship. The principles in this guide will help you to bring your desires to reality.

What’s important is that you combine the correct techniques with a positive attitude and a mindset where you believe it before you see it. Once you master the methods taught in Manifestation Miracle, your life will change right before your eyes.

It’s affordable, has tons of positive reviews and is even covered by a money-back guarantee. So, you really do not have anything to lose – but you do have a lot to gain.

Give Manifestation Miracle a try. It has been proven to deliver results. You’ll thank yourself in future for taking this step. The life you want is within your reach.

>>> Get the “Manifestation Miracle” Now <<<

My Shed Plans Review

Product Description:

The thought of building a shed can be intimidating. After all, most people have no idea how to plan it all out and where to even start. How much material will you need? What wood will you use? What are the dimensions?

So many questions, and so few answers. Very often despite wanting to build their shed, many people end up hiring a someone to do it for them. They end up paying more than they need to and the workmanship is nothing to write home about.

Over the past couple of years, Ryan Henderson’s My Shed Plans has seen its popularity skyrocket. Many people have bought it and built their own sheds with the plans in it.

Not only does it cost a fraction of what you’d pay someone else, but you also have the bragging rights that you built your own shed. Ryan is a professional woodworker with twenty years of experience.

He knew exactly what people would need to build their own shed and has given it to them in his bestselling product. We were so impressed that we decided to take a closer look at My Shed Plans and this is what we discovered…

The Good Points:

1) The biggest selling point of this product is the massive size of the collection. There’s something for everyone here. Over and above that, this product is an online bestseller with thousands of copies sold and has positive reviews from satisfied customers. This is excellent social proof that the product delivers.

2) Building a shed can seem like a monumental task. However, if you have basic woodworking skills, all you’ll need are detailed plans. The good news is that the schematic blueprints included in this package are straightforward and detailed. However, they’re easy to understand and follow.

It’s crucial to have concise instructions. The details with the plans have dispense with technical jargon and kept things simple for most people to follow.

3) One common problem many people face when doing woodworking or starting on a new shed is that they buy more material than they need. It’s very easy to overestimate how much material to buy. You may end up buying too much and wasting your money and whatever extra material you buy.

This will not happen here because each project in My Shed Plans is accompanied by a material list. So, you just need to follow that, and you’ll be fine.

4) The garage plans, bonuses and DWG/CAD illustrations not only gives you an idea of what the final project will look like, but it’ll make your life easier. It’s these little things that makes this product head and shoulders above the rest.

5) The product is covered by a 100% money-back guarantee. You can test it out for 60 days and if it doesn’t satisfy you, you can always get a refund.

6) This product over delivers in every area. For the amount of plans you get, the price is amazingly low. If you’re in the shed building business, My Shed Plans will probably be the best investment you ever make.

The Bad Points:

1) With a selection this large, picking a plan out of the lot can be challenging. You’re spoiled for choice and this can make some people indecisive. It may be tempting to hastily skim through the plans and pick one without proper consideration.

So, take your time and choose wisely. Factor in the costs, time it will take, your skill level and the amount of space you’ll need for the shed before choosing a plan.

2) You can only purchase this product online.

Should You Get It?

If you plan on building a shed, then it’s a definite “Yes!”

The product is a collection of 12,000 plans. Imagine that! Twelve thousand… you’ll never find another product with this much variety. The plans, illustrations and specifications are all there.

This is one of those products where you don’t need to think twice about buying it. Get it and start building a beautiful shed today.

>>> Get “My Shed Plans” Now <<<

Paid Social Media Jobs Review

There are literally millions of people who wish they could quit their day jobs. With an uncertain economy, nasty bosses, a dreadful commute and salaries that allow you to only live from paycheck to paycheck… the idea of making a living online is a dream held by many.

Paid Social Media Jobs is an online program that promises that you can make money online easily if you purchased their program. A story about a lady, Annie Jones, is used to inspire confidence in the training and the earning potential of this course.

We decided to take a closer look at Paid Social Media Jobs and this is what we found out…

The Good Points:

1) With the thousands of scams and hyped up opportunities online, Paid Social Media Jobs is one of the more trustworthy ones. There are people who are making good money as social media managers. This course will give you a good foundation to get started and make some money online.

Of course, to get to 4 or 5 figures a month, you’ll need to work on your skills and look beyond this course. Nevertheless, it’s a good start.

2) The instructions are laid out in an easy to understand manner that will make it a breeze to follow. People who are not savvy with computers and the internet will be able to understand the process and follow it in a step-by-step way.

3) The program is an online bestseller. To some extent this is reassuring.

4) There are a variety of methods to choose from. So, there’s something for everyone here.

5) This product is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee. You can test it out for 60 days and if you do not make any money with Paid Social Media Jobs, you can get a refund and recoup your investment.

6) The methods shown are scalable. Once you understand how it all works, and you gain confidence in completing and delivering jobs, there’s nothing stopping you from trying out other freelancing platforms to increase your income.

The Bad Points:

1) The sales copy has a lot of hype and can make people skeptical. Over and above that, the earning potential is exaggerated. While the methods shown do work, you’ll not make as much as the sales copy claims.

To get to that level, you’ll need to work on your business for quite a while. This is not a ‘get rich quick’ program like the sales page wants you to think it is. Nevertheless, if you want a simple and straightforward way to make a couple of hundred or a few thousand a month, this course can help you.

2) You can only purchase this product online.

Should You Get It?

If you’re looking to supplement your income with a couple of hundred every month, this is a good way to start. Freelancing is a proven business model and Paid Social Media Jobs will show you what to do.

It’s relatively easy to follow and has very low startup costs. After all, you can get a free account with most social media sites. From there, it’s just a matter of following the instructions in this program.

Most people will benefit from just a couple of hundred dollars extra. It could take care of your utilities bill or a car payment or cover gas money… and so much more. Once you get better at it, you could start outsourcing or arbitraging and making a couple of thousand each month.

Of course, that’s in the future when you have experience. But it all starts now. Paid Social Media Jobs will give you that stepping stone towards diversifying and increasing your income. Definitely worth trying.

>>> Get “Paid Social Media Jobs” Now <<<

Rocket Spanish Review

If you’re planning to learn Spanish so that you can communicate with the locals during a short holiday, there are several ‘learn Spanish’ courses online that you could try. However, most of them are not that good.

Very often the phrases taught are either outdated or too formal. You’ll sound ridiculous to the locals who do not speak that way at all. It can be embarrassing. To save yourself the humiliation, it’s best to get a Spanish course that has been proven to help you learn Spanish well.

One of the best Spanish courses online is Rocket Spanish. In fact, if you Googled the term “learn Spanish”, it’s inevitable to come across many sites that mention Rocket Spanish.

This is a brand that has a wide variety of different language courses designed to help beginners learn languages and reach an intermediate level. Once you get to intermediate, you may consider advancing further, depending on your interest in the language.

Let’s take a closer look and see why Rocket Spanish is so popular and effective…

The Good Points:

1) The course is laid out in a very systematic way to guide the beginner through the different modules so that they can improve gradually. By following this system, they’ll develop a strong foundation in Spanish and it will help them advance much faster as they learn the more advanced phrases and sentence structures.

2) There are several modules in Rocket Spanish that are designed to make you proficient in the language. Here’s a brief breakdown of what you’ll find inside:

* Interactive audio lessons
* Language and Culture Lessons
* The “Survival Kit”
* “My Advanced Learning”
* Flash Cards
* Quizzes
* Forum

There’s even a forum where you can communicate with people who have purchased this product. It’s a good place to share tips and more.

3) This is a bestselling course online with many satisfied customers. It’s proven to work. So, there’s no need to worry it not being up to standard.

4) There is a voice recognition software within the course. So, when you’re learning Spanish, you can test yourself with this software to see if a native speaker would understand what you’re saying.

You do not want to be in a situation where you think you’re speaking Spanish, but everyone else is wondering what language you’re speaking.

5) There are 31 audio lessons that you have lifetime access to. The phrases and words you learn will allow you to have a proper conversation in different settings. You’ll not be learning pointless phrases like, “This is a pretty flower”, etc. No no… you’ll learn lines that teach you how to order meals or a drink, how to get directions, etc. Useful and very relevant lines.

6) There’s a lot of convenience here. You can download the audio training into your mp3 player or tablet and listen to them while you’re on the go. In other words, you can be learning Spanish while walking in the mall or driving to work, etc. This will really accelerate your learning.

7) This course is covered by a 60-day refund policy. This is enough time to learn and speak Spanish with the program. If despite your best efforts you see no improvement (highly unlikely), you can always get your money back. Despite the refund policy, this product has a very low refund rate because it is that good.

8) Considering the amount of value, you’re getting, the pricing is ridiculously low. You’ll save so much more money with Rocket Spanish instead of hiring a tutor or going for classes.

The Bad Points:

1) Learning any language will take you time and effort. While Rocket Spanish is an excellent training course, you’ll still need to study it and practice speaking it. Consistency and patience is required. You can’t master the language in 3 days.

If you’re looking for miracles, this program is not it. If you’re willing to work a little and master Spanish, this guide is perfect for you.

2) This is an online course. You’ll need a computer with a working internet connection to purchase and access it.

Should You Get It?

All the Rocket languages products are great. This is an established brand that’s popular all around the world. If you want to learn Spanish quickly and easily, Rocket Spanish will really help you.

All the audio lessons are geared towards people who want to speak the language relatively fluently. The beauty of Rocket Spanish is that you can go from not knowing a word of Spanish to holding a conversation in Spanish in 2 to 4 weeks.

Of course, to get really good, it’s best to speak to the locals and gradually improve your vocabulary and fluency. But if you’re just starting out, you can’t go wrong with Rocket Spanish.

>>> Get “Rocket Spanish” Now <<<

Text Your Ex Back Review

There’s never been a product as unique as Text Your Ex Back in the relationship guidance niche. It’s truly one of a kind and it meets a need that was never addressed before.

Created by relationship expert, Michael Fiore, Text Your Ex Back is exactly like what its name suggests. If you are brokenhearted, depressed and feel like all hope is lost because of a breakup, this system just might help you fix the relationship and get your ex back.

And here’s the best part – you can do it with just texting.

No need for long phone calls, jewelry, cards or serenading under a window. Times have changed. Everyone texts these days and it’s the most common form of communication.

The strategies in this program have proven to be very successful and thousands of people have gotten their boyfriends, girlfriends, wives, husbands… back just by sending the texts that are provided here.

You must see it in action to believe it. Skeptics have become believers after seeing how these texts worked. Let’s look at this program in greater detail.

The Good Points:

1) You’ll get mp3s, written reports, interview recordings and several other types of training material in this highly comprehensive program. Text Your Ex Back is a very unique product and the first of its kind.

The plan is detailed and yet, it’s easy to follow. Once you understand the psychology behind the texts and how they influence human emotions, you’ll truly realize just how powerful this system is.

It has helped thousands of people, and it will most probably help you too.

2) The beauty about Text Your Ex Back is that it takes guesswork out of the equation. This is a systematic plan that you need to follow to the letter. Literally. If you can do that, your chances of getting your ex back will be much higher.

The problem most people face is that they just don’t know what to do when they experience a breakup. They overreact and resort to desperate gestures of love or over-dramatic bursts of emotion. All of these work against them.

You need a calm, cool method of approach that increases your worth in the eyes of the one you broke up with. Text Your Ex Back will make your ex feel like they’re losing out by letting you go. When that happens, they’ll be much more likely to get back with you.

3) The system in Text Your Ex Back is highly effective and will help both parties. If you were the one who was dumped, you can use it. If you were the one who initiated the break up, you can still use it too. People make mistakes.

Breakups are often emotionally charged with lots of hurtful comments, cold behavior and much more. Text Your Ex Back will help you overcome all these and still help you to get back with the one you love.

4) There is a peer group that comes with this program. You’ll be able to find friends and get emotional support in the members area. Sometimes talking to others who have gone through a break up and gotten their ex back will help to prevent depression, keep you hopeful and encourage you.

5) You have 60 days to test this product out. If you can’t get your ex back by then, you’re still covered by a money-back guarantee. So, you can always ask for a refund.

The Bad Points:

1) This is an online download. You’ll need a computer to access it, but you can print it out for easy reference, if you wish.

2) Success with this program will also depend on the cause of the break up. Sometimes, when there is infidelity, physical abuse, etc. the emotional pain and scars can be so severe that the relationship can’t be salvaged.

So, Text Your Ex Back is effective, but it doesn’t have a 100% success rate. Nevertheless, you should still try it out because you’ll only know if you can get your ex back when you try.

Should You Get It?

Definitely. Texting is a very powerful strategy to get your ex back.

While they can avoid phone calls or meeting you, most people are curious by nature and will still read text messages. What’s important is that you send the right kind of texts that keep them hooked and coming back for more.

Sending long emotional soliloquy texts is NOT the way to go. You need the texts in Text Your Ex Back. They’re effective, work on people’s emotions and are based on human psychology. That’s what makes them so effective.

Quite frankly, this product is a no-brainer. It gives you all the texts you need. All you have to do is copy and send them in the order that you’re shown. No effort, creativity or guesswork required. This system is proven to work. Just use it and get your ex back before they end up with a new partner.

>>> Get “Text Your Ex Back” Now <<<

The Big Diabetes Lie Review

Diabetes is a very serious health problem that affects millions and it also leads to hypertension, heart disease and other problems. This is not a disease to be trifled with. Allowing it to get uncontrolled can mean blindness, amputations, kidney failures or even death.

The implications are severe and if you have diabetes, getting it under control should be your priority. The biggest cause of most type 2 diabetes is one’s diet and sedentary lifestyle. But how do you fix this problem?

The answer – The Big Diabetes Lie.

This program is an online bestseller that has been around for a couple of years now. Written by Max Sidorov, the premise of the guide is that major pharmaceutical companies are more interesting in treating the problem rather than curing it.

There’s big money to be made in medication, insulin, syringes and supplies, etc. The general impression that these companies want you to have is that diabetes requires all these special measures. This is a lie and that’s exactly why Max, titled his book ‘The Big Diabetes Lie’.

The information in this guide is about addressing the root cause of the problem. Treating the symptoms is neither productive nor helpful. Max’s wealth of information in The Big Diabetes lie will show you how to bring the disease to a halt, stabilize your blood sugar levels and lower your risk of diabetes-related complications.

Let’s examine the pros and cons of this highly popular and controversial book.

The Good Points:

1) You’ll see results quickly because the program address one of the most important factors – your diet. By changing your diet, you’ll be assisting to stabilize your blood glucose levels.

The avoidance of refined carbs and other detrimental foods that are revealed in the guide will prevent wild blood sugar fluctuations. Your condition will improve by leaps and bounds.

2) This book was written for laymen. Complex medical terms have been forsaken for simplicity and ease of understanding. It’s an easy read and following the tips will be a breeze.

3) Success depends upon a good plan. Max’s ‘7 Steps to Health’ plan is one that you can count on. All you need to do is follow it to the letter and you’ll see results.

4) You can test the program out for 60-days and if you’re not satisfied, you can always ask for a refund. There is a money-back guarantee. 60 days is long enough for you to see major improvements in your condition.

5) The Big Diabetes Lie has sold thousands of copies. It’s been a bestseller for a few years now with many positive reviews on the official website. This is positive social proof that the product delivers what it says it will.

6) Everything you need is provided. Nutrition tips, diet tricks, meal plans, and so much more to help you get this disease under control. You can’t go wrong with it.

7) The tone of The Big Diabetes Lie is very encouraging. The biggest problem with most diabetes books is that they paint a somber picture of how dangerous this disease is and state that it has no cure.

Sidorov’s book is uplifting and give you hope. Diabetes is NOT a death sentence. If you follow the advice in this book, you’ll not need to worry about diabetes ruining your life. You can lead a full and rewarding life while keeping diabetes under control.

The Bad Points:

1) No product is perfect for everyone. Some diabetes sufferers may see no results, but they’re a very small minority. Type 1 diabetes patients will still need insulin injections to manage the problem. It’s also best to see a doctor to ascertain the severity of your problem. The holistic tips in this guide will complement most doctors’ treatments.

2) You can only buy this book online.

Should You Get It?

A definite yes! If you have diabetes, or you know someone who does, this book is a godsend. The advice is on point, easy to follow and highly effective.

Give it a try for 2 months and you’ll be amazed at how your diabetes comes under your control. Your blood glucose levels will be stable, you’d have shed excess fat, reduced inflammation and look and feel much better.

Every diabetes sufferer will benefit from this book. Get it today and test it out. It’s amazing.

>>> Get “The Big Diabetes Lie” Now <<<

The Ex Factor Guide Review

Product Description:

The Ex Factor Guide by Brad Browning, is probably one of the most unique books on the planet. While most relationship guides are about developing a healthy relationship, or understanding the opposite sex to improve your marriage, etc. this book is about rescuing a relationship that has ended.

This is a very challenging topic. How do you get your ex back when they do not want to have anything to do with you? Very often, there may be a lot of negative emotions and drama that took place prior to the break up.

How do you overcome all these bad memories and get your ex to come back to you?

You need a plan… and that’s exactly what the Ex Factor Guide is. It’s a plan like no other that’s designed to get your ex back by using human psychology. The biggest mistake most people make when they get dumped is to beg their ex.

This guide, however, turns the tables on the one who left you. Just when they think that they’ve gotten the upper hand, your lack of interest in the break up will make them curious and compel them to check on why you’ve made no contact. This is all part of the plan.

Nonchalance, a cool attitude, and other mind games are employed to raise your value in your ex’s eyes. Once they realize that leaving you is their loss and not yours, they’ll come running back. This is basic human nature. The Ex Factor is eye-opening and very effective.

Let’s look at it in greater detail.

The Good Points:

1) This 220-page book is an online bestseller for years. It has sold thousands of copies and is still as popular. With tons of positive reviews and success stories from buyers, that’s strong social proof that the info in the guide works.

2) When you’re emotionally hurting, it’s easy to overreact and dig a deeper hole for yourself. Your attempts at getting your ex back may seem needy, desperate and pathetic. It’ll alienate your partner even more.

The Ex Factor lays out a detailed plan for you to follow. It’s simple, easy to understand and takes a systematic approach. All guesswork is taken out of the equation. You just need to adhere to the plan.

During a breakup, there is often anger and sometimes even hate. By begging your ex, you’ll be lowering your value and they may even snigger at your neediness while they get an ego boost.

The Ex Factor plan will throw them off guard because it works against human nature. By not being desperate, it’ll appear like you are having a better life without your ex. Suddenly, they may feel left out and think that they made a mistake.

Very often, being aloof is enough to get them to come back. In a way, these are mind games… and you must master the game to win them back. The Ex Factor will teach you all you need to know.

3) The program has 2 different versions for men and women. This is excellent. Most guides in this niche take a ‘one size fits all’ approach and fail miserably. The Ex Factor works because the psychology used is gender specific and targets them with the correct approach.

4) Worried that this product might not be for you? You’re covered by a 100% money-back guarantee. Try The Ex Factor for 60-days. If you do not get your ex back by then, you can always ask for a refund.

The very low refund rate indicates that this product has a high success rate. You’ll probably get your ex back and never need a refund.

5) There is 24-hour customer support. If you have any doubts or questions, you can easily reach them.

6) Brad has the credentials and is an authority on this topic. That probably explains why the information is accurate and so effective.

The Bad Points:

1) The efficacy of the methods in The Ex Factor is proven. However, in some relationships, the emotional scars are so deep that you just might not be able to win your ex back.

If your partner caught you cheating, or there was emotional and physical abuse that caused the relationship to end, trying to get your ex back may be impossible. You can give it a try, but you must be aware that while this is an excellent program, it doesn’t have a 100% success rate.

2) You can only get this guide online. You’ll need to print it out as a handy reference.

Should You Get It?

If you’re desperate to get back with you ex, this book will help you. Period.
Every single tip inside is tested, proven and works. You might be doing all the wrong things based on your emotions. Usually, you’ll be sabotaging your own efforts.

The Ex Factor Guide has a plan to keep you level-headed and act in a way that’s in your best interest. The advice is based on human psychology and that’s why it works so well. Most people just don’t have this understanding to win their ex over.

The Ex Factor gives you a plan to follow… and all you need to do is follow it. In most cases, you’ll see success and win back the love of the one you thought you lost. Stop suffering the mental anguish and heartache. Execute the given plan and get your ex back ASAP. Time is of the essence.

>>> Get “The Ex Factor Guide” Now <<<

Thin From Within Review

Product Description:

The ketogenic diet is highly effective for weight loss. However, a ‘one size fits all’ approach just doesn’t give results as fast. But what if you take it and spin it in a way where it becomes more effective for women?

Now you have a winning weight loss program for women that’s based on the science of the ketogenic diet. That is exactly what ‘Thin From Within’ is. It’s author, Brad Pilon is no newcomer to the health scene. His last book on intermittent fasting was an online bestseller… and this one is too.

However, the keto diet is much more technical than intermittent fasting. You need to know what fats to eat, what to avoid, the macro proportions and much more. It’s a given that the ketogenic diet works… but adopting it is easier said than done because you need the correct information to follow.

The moment we heard that Brad was involved, we had to take a closer look at Thin From Within. This is what we found out.

The Good Points:

1) Thin From Within targets women because men generally have it easier when it comes to weight loss. Brad took the ketogenic diet and created a plan specifically to help women shed their stubborn pounds. This targeted approach increases the efficacy of the program.

2) The program is structured in a way that will help your body to respond better. Many beginners make a mistake of haphazardly starting on a ketogenic diet. This slows down their progress.

Thin From Within has a 2-step process. In step 1 – you’ll focus on ‘microflora balancing’ where you’ll help to balance the intestinal flora. This will aid in better digestion and improved health.

In step 2 – you’ll discover metabolic rebalancing which is all about tailoring the ketogenic strategies to suit your body and weight.

There’s also a support group where you can chat with other women on the ketogenic diet. This is very helpful for getting help, tips and encouragement.

3) There is not only written material, but you’ll also get 130+ video lessons to help you learn better. We couldn’t believe we were getting so much information for such a low price.

4) Thin From Within has sold thousands of copies. Many satisfied customers have left reviews saying how the product benefited them. This is good social proof and lends a lot of credibility to the product.

5) The main product is accompanied by several useful bonuses. There’s value for money here.

6) Brad Pilon is a well-known name in the fitness industry and has impressive credentials (Masters degree in Applied Human Nutrition). His previous book ‘Eat Stop Eat’ was an online bestseller too. The man really knows his stuff, and his methodical approach to a topic is what sets him above the rest.

He’s taken the ketogenic diet with all its principles, stripped away all the fluff and unnecessary jargon and made it easy and simple for women to follow. Most beginners will have no problem understanding Thin From Within.

7) The product comes with a 60-day refund policy. In the unlikely event you do not lose any weight with Brad’s method, you can always get your money back.

The Bad Points:

1) This is an online download. You’ll need a computer to access it, but you can print it out for easy reference, if you wish.

2) As with all things, results will vary. This is a diet and exercise program. It’s very powerful and relatively easy to follow… BUT you must be consistent. People who approach it in a half-hearted manner and cheat on the program will not see success.

Should You Get It?

If you’re looking to lose weight with the ketogenic diet, Brad Pilon’s ‘Thin From Within’ is the only guide you’ll ever need. The information is accurate, effective and has been proven to work.

Over and above that, he has given you a fitness plan too. So, this all-rounded approach will help you to not only reach a metabolic state of ketosis but will also boost your metabolism so that fat loss is accelerated.

The product is very affordable and if used well, will improve your health, help you reach your ideal weight, leave you with more energy than ever before and you’ll feel great.

It doesn’t get better than this. You really should give it a try without hesitation. You’ll be glad you did. It’s not often we come across a product that delivers everything it says it will… but this one does. Highly recommended.

>>> Get “Thin From Within” Now <<<